Our succulents and care instructions
Succulents are increasing in popularity due to their longevity, and resilience. Most succulents can go up to a month or more without water. Although some prefer less light, most of these plants can take pretty much any type of sun exposure.
We recommend when watering that you use room temperature water as to not shock the roots. If you would like to be diligent, use distilled water as it is better than our harsh city water. Most succulents HATE any type of lime or chlorine. If you have air plants, definitely use distilled water, as chlorine will kill them for sure.
Below are what type of succulents we sell and use in our arrangements.
We use approximately 10 different species of Haworthias, they all share similar shapes. Although they are in the Aloe subfamily (Asphodeloideae) and may resemble Aloes, we don't recommend using these ones on a burn.
These little guys are slow growers and prefer less light. They need less water (like most succulents) but if you are accidentally going to over water a succulent, this guy will be fine.
Origin: South Africa
We use multiple species of Echeveria plants. Like Haworthias, they all share the same general shape.
These plants prefer more sunlight. When they don't get enough sun, they start growing stretched out as they are trying to push towards the sunlight. If this is happening to your Echeveria, move it to somewhere in your house with more light. DO NOT over water. This will cause the roots to rot and you won't notice that your plant is dying until it's too late.
Origin: Central America, Mexico and northwestern South America.
Typically known as the ubiquitous "Jade plant" but let's not sell this order short; there are approx. 1480 species of Crassula. They are typically very hardy plants and are resilient to virtually no watering. In our arrangements, we work with Crassula Ovata, Argentea, Green Pagoda, Goblin Fingers, and Perforate.
***Crassula Ovata and Argentea are toxic to both cats and dogs. Most pets won't bother with them but if you have a "he/she gets into everything" pet, perhaps choose a different succulent***
Origin: South Africa but different species are being found all over the globe.
'Tiger's jaws'
These little guys are all talk. They are adorable and a little more precious than your average succulent. They do prefer a little more water than most and prefer indirect light to shady conditions.
Origin: South Africa